The organization
PASE EXPRESS S.A. is a private company incorporated on June 1, 1995, which under the different legal modalities established under the Colombian legislation, offers all the services that a Traffic Organization can delegate to individuals according to the Law 769 of 2012. Our organization is known for our customer service, using of the latest technologies and a strong ESG culture.
Pase Express S.A. is a private company which offers practical and tailored solutions to the traffic organizations according to the applicable law. It also creates and commercializes high security identity documents with materials included.
By 2023, Pase Express will have a greater participation in the transit sector with the operation of the registries of this market in organizations of all levels.
Additionally, Pase Express will keep up with changes in the environment to penetrate new markets; in this way to consolidate its market share and recognition in the sector, which will contribute to company profitability.
Quality Policy
Offer competitive products and services, backed by a talented team and with the constant compromise to satisfy the needs and expectations of our clients, employees and stakeholders. Committed to the ongoing improvement of the company and following all applicable laws.